SVQ Level 2 Trees and Timber (SCQF Level 5)
Qualification Structure
The SVQ Level 2 Trees and Timber consists of 4 Mandatory Units and 6 Optional Units.
Mandatory Units (Candidates must complete all four units)
Identify tree species and their properties
Monitor and maintain health, safety and security
Control pollution incidents
Establish and maintain working relationships with others
Optional Units (Candidates must complete six of the following units)
Assist with forest and mooreland fire fighting
Carry Out Post Planting Tree Protection and Maintenance
Carry Out Routine Maintenance of Chainsaw and Cutting System
Cross-Cut Timber Using a Chainsaw
Fell Trees Using a Chainsaw
Plant Trees
Process Arisings from Tree Operations
Remove Branches from Felled Trees Using a Chainsaw
Sever Uprooted or Windblown Trees Using a Chainsaw
Treat and Dispose of Stumps
Use a Pole Mounted Pruner
How long will it take to complete?
On average it will take between 12 and 15 months to complete the qualification
Where will I study?
The qualification is work-based, with the majority of training taking place in the work environment. Performance, knowledge and understanding will be assessed in a number of ways including a personal portfolio of evidence and tutor observations.